Members and guests often just call in to drink tea and coffee amongst friends and fellow shooters, sit and chat about this and that and then go home.
Occasionally people don't even take their guns out of their cases or even bring them!
We call it "Group Therapy" and we all benefit from it.
There is no "My name is Ceith and I'm an airgun shooter" going on.
For some, it's just a few hours out of the house, for others an escape from a stressful job and for some maybe it's just somewhere to be rather than at home alone, we don't ask and we don't judge.
We have our Crazy 75-Yard Gang, who sit it out on the 75-yard extreme range in the cold of winter, hard as nails but as friendly as they come.
Then we have our 42-Yard Range Regulars, a little less crazy but needless to say just as friendly; there is always a laugh and joke to be had and a conversation going on, many friendships have been made at Atherton Indoor Range.
We are a community of like-minded people.
A.I.R - the Group Therapy Range!
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Atherton Indoor Range Ltd ~ 1st Floor Victoria Mill, Bolton Old Road, Atherton, Manchester, M46 9FD [Find Us]
Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 15321672
Information is published in good faith however we cannot accept liability should there be any errors.